12 Egypt for Construction Apartments - 9th zone - Sheraton, Cairo info@canadahumex.com


12 عمارات مصر للتعمير - المنطقة التاسعة - مساكن شيراتون - القاهرة





بريد الكتروني




Canada Brimo Zinc

Canada Brimo Zinc 13%

Formulation :

13% Zinc (10% Zinc EDTA + 3% Zn Fulvate)

Canada Brimo Zinc 13%

*Product with double chelation (EDTA and active Fulvic acid) so it has a powerful absorbing ability.

*It is in liquid state so it is 100% soluble.

*It acts as co-enzyme in Treptofan creation which is involved in formation of many enzymes needed for root development and auxins inside the plant.

*Plays an important role in cell elongation, chlorophyll synthesis and photosynthesis.

*Important in increasing pollen germination, blooming and finally the yield.

*Treats the leaf spots in rice.

*Helps the plant to create nucleic acids (DNA-RNA).

*Improves plant tolerance to stress.

*Helps in quick transportation of food from leaves to different parts of the plant.

*Essential component for grains crops (wheat – Rice – Corn).



Crop type Soil treatment Foliar spray Time of application
Rice 500 cm3/acre 125 cm3/100 liter of water After seedling
Field Crops 500 cm3/acre 125 cm3/100 liter of water On completing plant growth
Vegetable Crops 500 cm3/acre 125 cm3/100 liter of water Before flowering and after fruiting
Fruit Crops 500 cm3/acre on growth season 125 cm3/100 liter of water Before flowering and after fruiting
Greenhouses ——————– 125 cm3/100 liter of water Before flowering and after fruiting

Registration No.     8087 / 2017
